Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Nokia - Nokia 7200 - Phone Models - Phones

Another new phone from Nokia. These guys can really design their phones well. This one stands out in uniquiness - almost looks like something out of a Matrix movie :-)

Nokia - Nokia 7700 - Phone Models - Phones

More in the long list of cool new gadgets form Nokia. This seems to be a real neat mobile media device with excellent (looking) web browsing capabilities. How easy is it to handle ? How comfortable would it be to talk with? I'd like to watch the reviews on this one......

Review on the 7700 from Gizmodo: http://www.gizmodo.com/archives/009756.php

Also, the 7700 seems to have the same issues with sidetalking (talking witha strange angle) as the N-gage - thanks to which its so unpopular - see http://www.sidetalkin.com/

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Ramadan Mubarrak !!

Ramadan, the holy month for muslims start on Monday (27th October, 2003).

Monday, October 20, 2003

Execution over idea

Taken from Loic L Meur [via Raj Jain/via Joi Ito]:

I think the idea has clearly no value when you create a company. This is what makes most people afraid of launching their own business, they wait for the idea of the century and never have it !

My point is that execution matters much more than the idea itself. Very few people actually execute an idea and execute it well and fast.

This is why when I start a company, I am never afraid of sharing it with everybody. Few people will do the same as you, just bet you will be faster. Sharing it with everybody gets you new ideas and very often constructive criticism, so share it.

I think creating a business is about filling empty space. There is empty space everywhere. How many times today you felt a service or a product was perfectible ? How many times you needed something that no company actually provides ? This is empty space. Just consider how big is the demand for this empty space and you have got your idea.

I've heard more than one enterpreneur mention this - both online and in person:
* 'Execution is what matters'
* 'It doesn't matter if you aren't the first one in the race - as long as you execute it well enough and learnfrom the mistakes of others'

Hopefully it will only be a matter of time before I can experience these first hand......

Friday, October 17, 2003

Agenda Setters 2003 - Setters

Guess which Indian is in the top 10 list of agenda setters for the IT industry ;-)

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Wired News: Turn That PC Into a Supercomputer

How do you turn your desktop into a super computer, rivaling multi-million dollar super-computers out there ? If California startup ClearSpeed Technologies' declaration is true, it would only be a matter of time before you can plug in a PCMCIA card to your laptop to make it rival a Linux cluster in performance. Read on...

MCI names "CEO" - This time the 'E' is different

Funniest thing I've ever heard - MCI gets a new CEO - not the chief executive officer, but a Chief Ethics Officer. Its high time the company's gets one. I know very few people who haven't been ripped off by MCI at one point of time or the other...... including myself, with their deceptive marketing schemes that make you sign up for calling plans and charge you extra - they only refund you of the extra charges when you call up and threaten to sue !

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Wesley Clark - Immigration & IITians

Gen. Wesley Clark, Democratic Presidential candidate, encourages IITians and top tier Chinese University grads to settle in, contribute and become an integral part of America's economic future.

Now, thats one statement that'll get passed around the IIT mailing lists - easy!

Friday, October 03, 2003

Next Generation Phones

Check out the latest phone prototypes from the telecomm labs....

Gizmodo : Keeping track in class

Wow ! This was on of the proposals I helped my advisor write up ! :-)

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Microsoft Faces Class-Action on Security Breaches

Should software product manufactures have the same liability as traditional product manufacturers - such as automobiles ? A California lawsuite alleges MS should have some liability if not complete liability. Being in the software industry, I can relate to Microsoft, but on the other hand, being a consumer, myself, I can relate to the lawsuit. I can't answer this question.....

Merril Lynch Analyst asks Sun to discontinue Sparc, Mad Hatter and Java

Wow! This is rather drastic. Analysts always have comments to make - little do they know the consequences at times. Weren't these analysts the same people hyping up things during the DotCom days ? I don't know enough to comment on Scott Milunovich's comments, but I sure as hell hope he's wrong !

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home

Wanna take a course at MIT, from home ? Well, the've got course materials from around 500 courses online...