Monday, December 08, 2003

CASPIAN - Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering

Interesting..... When the whole world moves towards smarter, pervasive computing technologies - we have a few that stand up against it. Will this be a "David vs Goliath" or "Unfortunate Racoon on highway vs Big Ass Humvy" ? - only time will tell.

The other day I was looking at a description of Intel's IrisNet (more on this later) - it was spooky when I read it - seems like Intel's out to place sensors all over the world that can track your every move. As if DARPA didn't have enough opposition for their LifeLog - a project that proposes to maintain an electronic log of everything a person does. has a funny article on a future of sensing bots (from Google) flying around and indexing the physical world - the author perceives bots to be large enough to see, maybe he doesn't envision SmartDust or Paintable Computing technologies will 'fly' (pun kinda intended)

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Wi-Fi Networking News: Intel Pushes Consumer Electronics Angle

Intel's on the lookout for consumer electronics partners to embed their 802.11a/b/g chips into them. WiFi Networking News asks why anyone would need 802.11g. My shot at it:

1. For upcoming streaming media apps (maybe a lame reason) [Besides even on 802.11g you'd probably get only around 15Mbps instead of the touted 54Mbs]
2. (Probably the real reason) For the same reason people spend $$ to buy music systems with wattages that can literally bring thier house down and end up not using even 20% of its capability? :-)

Thursday, December 04, 2003

JPEG Metadata - ExIf

Note to self: Read the comments section - the pointers are good.