Saturday, March 27, 2004

I don't do a day of work!

Can I say that I work for a living ? Actually I don't. When I think of it, I realize that I love what I do - its more like entertainment doing what I do, and seeing the results. I wouldn't do what I do if I didn't enjoy it so much..... so will I ever need to work a day in my life ? I guess I don't need to be born a Hilton to not work a day in my life :-)

Thursday, March 25, 2004 - Music Downloads - Cheaper !

I didn't realize entered the Music Download business ! And guess what, passing on the tradition Sam Walton passed down over a quarter century ago, these guys are out there to sell things at a price lower than anyone else in the market ! At 11 cents a song cheaper than iTunes - I don't know how long the user experience factor can hold on iTunes customers.

PS: The site mentions: 'iPods are not compatible.' ;-)

Monday, March 22, 2004

Coke's Dasani - just contaminated tap water ?

An interesting post by David Galbraith in his blog regarding Coke's Dasani - its just plain contaminated tap water ! Being from India, I've always been skeptical about 'mineral water' vendors. Now with this Business Week article David links to - there goes my trust in the professionalism of corporate America.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Blame India Watch

Just came across this blog through's main page: Blame India Watch

Seems to have some interesting commentary on outsourcing and how Indians seems to be targetted as 'evil job snatchers'.

On a related note, David Anderson has an interesting post on his blog on outsourcing (related to how software developers in the US need to evolve to overcome the effects of outsourcing) here.

Monday, March 01, 2004

The price of mobility....

How much are you will to be connected always? - Joi Ito found it out the hard way... :
"Grps roaming works... technically. I spent last month so excited by my Nokia 6600. Land in a random city, flip open my PowerBook, click, "connect" and I was immediately online via bluetooth, gprs and my T-Mobile roaming. Internet everywhere. It was sooo cool... until I got my bill. $3500 for one month of mobile abandon. At $3500 / month, I would say that it works, "technically" but is totally unacceptable socially and economically. It's like having a PowerBook stolen from the carriers and being beaten over the head with the stupid stick. "