Tuesday, January 27, 2004

FAX SPAM ! What will they think of next ? - door-to-door salesmen ?!

I got this mail from a friend today morning:

"I got SPAM in my FAX. grrr! How the hell did they get
my fax no? I have to call a toll free number if I want
to be removed from their 'Database'."

This is outrageous! I'm getting email spam, text message spam and now FAX spam ?!? Thank goodness the government took some action against telemarketers - once of the reasons why I decided against getting a landline at home was to avoid them. Fortunately there was always some regulatory measure against telemarketer calling up cell phones. When can we start seeing some strong International regulations against other forms of spam ?!?

I've always promoted people not to buy products that are advertised using these means. Stop buying products from companies who advertise their wares via marketing companies who use spammers to distribute ads. I mean this not only for body part enlargement products, but for regular products such as telephone services and other consumer goods as well! Hit them at their source of income. Only if people start voicing thier concerns and taking actions such as this can we see a solution some day.....


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